What You Need to Know About Motorcycles and Your Teeth

What You Need to Know About Motorcycles and Your Teeth

If you are an avid motorcyclist, you are at greater risk of damaging your teeth during your free time than other people. Many sports people have to take extra steps throughout the year to protect their teeth and keep them in good condition. If this is the first time that you are thinking about the effect that biking could have on your gnashers, here is what you should know.

How can you protect your teeth?

There are many ways that you can protect your teeth and minimize the risk of permanent damage. The first step that you should take is to invest in a mouthguard. This guard can prevent you from grinding your teeth and can minimize the amount of shock you experience if you come off your bike and hit your face. These can also look after your jaw when you are riding. You should also make sure that you are wearing a well-fitted helmet that can make sure that any injuries to your head are minimal if you have an accident.

What should you do if you are injured?

If you are injured, you should instantly check yourself over for injuries if you are capable of doing so. This will ensure that you do not believe that you are okay when you are not and can ensure that any health issues that you get from the crash do not worsen.

It is also vital that you call an emergency number as soon as possible so that they can redirect traffic, call a clear-up team, and check you over for injuries. You should make sure that you are honest and transparent with this team and that you give them the appropriate amount of detail about how you are feeling. They might take you to a hospital to ascertain you are alright, and you should go even if you feel well in yourself.

You should also try to take as many photos as possible of the crash scene. This could help you with an insurance claim. Once you have done this, you should call your insurance provider. They might be needed to pay for your bike and any private medical care that you receive. It is important to check what they cover, though, including dental care.

Once you have had yourself checked over, it is time to speak to your dentist. This is especially important if you have experienced trauma to your mouth or you have any loose teeth. If your tooth has been knocked out, you should hold it by the crown, rinse it in water, and place it back in your mouth with a tissue. You could also put it in milk. This can increase the chances that it will be able to be reattached once you see a dentist. You should always have an experienced dentist that you trust, though. For instance, you should go to a leading dental clinic in Wandsworth at Direct Dental.

What are the most common dental traumas?

The most common dental traumas include tooth loss, loose teeth, and cracks and chips in teeth. Some people also find that their teeth pierce their lips or gums and that they are out of place after the accident. If any of these traumas happen, it is important not to ignore them.